Car accidents happen every day for various reasons in Aurora and surrounding areas of Colorado, and rear-end collisions are some of the most commonly reported accidents. Most drivers assume that when a driver hits another driver from the rear, they are automatically responsible for the accident. This is generally true, but it is still important to consult an Aurora rear-end accident lawyer after you have experienced this type of crash.
It’s possible for your case to raise many difficult questions you will be unable to answer on your own. An Aurora rear-end accident lawyer at Cheney Galluzzi & Howard can provide comprehensive legal counsel for all aspects of your legal affairs in the aftermath of this type of accident. Our team has the skills and experience necessary to resolve the most challenging motor vehicle accident cases in the Aurora area and we’re ready to help with your recovery.
The fault rule applies to all motor vehicle accident cases in the state. This means that the driver at fault for causing an accident absorbs liability for the resulting damages. A driver injured in a rear-end collision must prove fault for their accident before they can recover any compensation for their damages. Fault may seem apparent in these cases, but it is possible for an injured driver to face allegations of comparative liability.
Your Aurora rear-end accident lawyer will know what evidence you need to firmly establish liability for your rear-end accident. They can help you secure cell phone and vehicle computer data, and they can also obtain statements from any witnesses who saw your accident happen. Once you have proven fault, your personal injury attorney in Aurora can help you proceed with claiming compensation for the damages you suffered in the accident.
Auto insurance is typically your first avenue of recovery after an accident in Aurora, but dealing with insurance companies can be challenging in several ways. You need an attorney you trust to help you file your claim, and they can help you resolve any issues you encounter with the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier. After you receive a settlement offer, your attorney can determine whether it is fair and then explain the next steps you can take in your recovery efforts.
If a personal injury suit is necessary for your recovery, success with this case will require clear proof of liability for your damages. You must identify the party responsible for causing the accident, prove how they caused it, and then show the full extent of the damages you suffered in the accident. It’s possible for a successful personal injury case to yield compensation for medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and limited compensation for pain and suffering.
Cheney Galluzzi & Howard approaches every vehicle accident case we accept with the goal of maximizing our client’s recovery as much as state law allows. With our help you can feel more confident about your case, and you will have a greater chance of maximizing the compensation you obtain for your damages. Reach out to our firm today to learn more about the legal services we provide.
In a rear-end accident case, comparative fault can come into play if more than one driver shares liability for the accident. While the rear driver is typically to blame for this type of crash, it is possible for the leading driver to also bear responsibility. As long as a plaintiff is less at fault than a defendant, they can still claim compensation under the state’s comparative fault rule, but they lose a percentage of their case award equal to their fault percentage.
The first thing you should do after a rear-end collision in Aurora is call 911 to report the crash. This will ensure there will be a police report for your accident that you will likely need later and will call first responders to the scene of the crash. Seek medical care immediately, even if you think you only sustained minor injuries, and then contact an Aurora rear-end accident lawyer at your first opportunity so they can begin building your case.
Yes, auto insurance should cover a rear-end accident in Colorado as long as the at-fault driver has appropriate insurance coverage. However, insurance companies often try to convince injured claimants to accept the lowest possible settlement, and they may try to deny claims outright. Your Aurora rear-end accident lawyer can help you file your claim and ensure you are treated fairly by the insurance company.
You need to hire an Aurora rear-end accident lawyer to ensure the greatest chance of success with your case. The right attorney can make proving fault for your accident much easier, help you accurately determine the full extent of your claimable damages, and ultimately assist you in securing maximum compensation for your losses. You’re more likely to succeed with your case and maximize your recovery with an experienced attorney’s assistance.
The cost to hire an Aurora rear-end accident lawyer is only a percentage of your total case award when you choose Cheney Galluzzi & Howard to represent you. We take personal injury cases on a contingency fee agreement, meaning if there is no recovery for the client, they pay no fee. When we do win your case, we only charge a percentage of the total amount recovered, so there is no risk of your fee overtaking your recovery.
The team at Cheney Galluzzi & Howard has successfully represented many car accident victims in Aurora and surrounding areas, and we are confident we can guide you to a positive outcome in your upcoming case. If you are unsure how to proceed with your recovery efforts, contact us today and schedule a free case review with an Aurora rear-end accident lawyer you trust.
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