Most people who experience personal injuries can eventually recover, but not all victims are so fortunate. Catastrophic injuries are life-changing, often leaving victims with permanent disabilities and medical complications, an inability to work, and straining their resources in various ways. If you have suffered a serious personal injury due to another party’s actions, you need to consult a Centennial catastrophic injury lawyer as quickly as possible.
The team at Cheney Galluzzi & Howard can provide compassionate and responsive legal counsel for your personal injury case in Centennial. We have years of experience helping injured clients pursue accountability and recover compensation for the damages they suffered due to the negligent actions of others. If you believe you have grounds to file a personal injury case, a Centennial catastrophic injury lawyer can be a tremendous asset to have on your side.
It’s possible for a catastrophic injury to occur from a motor vehicle accident, a slip and fall, or many other possible causes. In any personal injury case, the injured plaintiff will need to prove how their injury happened and identify the party responsible for causing it. Your Centennial catastrophic injury lawyer can be instrumental in building a strong case backed by solid evidence and witness testimony, if available.
Success with any personal injury case will require proving that the defendant named in your suit directly caused your claimed losses. In other words, you must establish causation between your claimed damages and the defendant’s actions, meaning they could not have resulted from any other cause. It’s possible for more than one party to bear fault for your injury, and your attorney can help you clarify any such details in your case.
Once you have proven liability for your catastrophic injury, your attorney can help secure compensation for all of the damages you suffered. You can claim full repayment of any direct financial losses related to the catastrophic injury the defendant caused. These are likely to include medical expenses and lost income. Additionally, you can seek compensation for anticipated future medical treatment costs and lost future earning capacity.
An injured plaintiff in Colorado may also claim compensation for their pain and suffering. While this aspect of recovery in a personal injury case is typically capped by state law, these caps can be lifted when plaintiffs have suffered permanent harm. Your attorney can advise you as to what you can expect in terms of how much pain and suffering you could potentially recover from your damages.
The team at Cheney Galluzzi & Howard has the professional resources, experience, and skills necessary to resolve the most challenging personal injury cases in the state, and our team has successfully helped many past clients recover from serious personal injuries. Whether you are seeking compensation for your own damages or you must pursue legal recourse on behalf of an injured loved one, trust our team to fight for you.
You have a limited time in which to file your case, and some of the evidence you might need to prove fault may not be available for long. It’s crucial to connect with an attorney you trust as quickly as possible after your injury to ensure the greatest chances of success with the case.
A personal injury is a catastrophic injury when it results in some type of permanent harm to the victim. Serious personal injuries that result in permanent disability, disfigurement, severe psychological trauma, and diminished quality of life can qualify as catastrophic injuries. Some of the most common examples of severe injuries that often meet these criteria include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, severe burns, and amputations.
The amount of compensation you can claim for a catastrophic injury will depend on the extent and severity of the damages you suffered. The state’s personal injury laws enable the plaintiff to seek full repayment of the economic damages they suffered. Compensation for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering is limited in most personal injury cases, but the usual caps can be lifted when a plaintiff has suffered permanent harm.
In a catastrophic injury case, comparative fault may come into play when the facts of the case show that the plaintiff shares fault with the defendant. Under the state’s modified comparative fault rule, it is possible for the plaintiff to still recover compensation for their losses as long as they are less at fault than the defendant. However, if their fault percentage exceeds the defendant’s, they lose the ability to claim compensation.
The time required to resolve a catastrophic injury case in Centennial will depend on several factors. You have a limited time in which to build and file a personal injury case in the state, so it is important that you connect with an experienced attorney as quickly as possible after your accident so they can begin gathering evidence. Some cases can be resolved through private settlement, while others must be resolved through litigation.
Attorneys’ fees for a Centennial catastrophic injury lawyer may only amount to a percentage of your total case award if you choose the team at Cheney Galluzzi & Howard to represent you. Under a contingency fee agreement, our firm only charges a fee if and when we win our client’s case. There is no fee if we are unable to secure a recovery for the client, and there is no risk of paying more for legal counsel than you win in compensation for your damages.
The attorneys at Cheney Galluzzi & Howard have extensive experience representing injured clients in complex personal injury cases, including those pertaining to catastrophic personal injuries. If you believe you have grounds to file such a claim, we can help. Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Centennial catastrophic injury lawyer you trust with your case.
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